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Shopify Footer Logo

The Hello Clever logo will appear on your page's footer.


Completing the below steps will add Hello Clever logo on your page footer.

  1. Login to your Shopify store as an admin

  2. Click on Themes from the sidebar menu settings

  3. Click on Customize button

  4. Click on the three dots setting on top left corner and select Edit Code

  5. Select the footer.liquid file

  6. Find the code below if this is your first time modifying the footer

{% for type in shop.enabled_payment_types %}

  1. Replace the code above with:
{% assign enabled_payment_types = 'visa,master,american_express,helloclever' | remove: ' ' | split: ',' %}
{% for type in enabled_payment_types %}
  1. Save changes and if all steps above is done, you'll be able to see our logo on the footer underneath of your webpages