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Shopify Express Checkout

Hello Clever's Express Checkout is one of our best features that can help increase customers' engagement and loyalty by providing a Checkout button on your product pages.

To enable the Hello Clever Gateway's Express Checkout feature, please follow the instructions below. Please follow Migration instruction from version 1.0 to 2.0 if you are using version 1.x. Otherwise, you can follow the instruction Enabling Express Checkout Feature.

Migration instruction from version 1.0 to 2.0

  1. Login into store as store admin:[shopify-store]

  2. Update Hello Clever App with the link below:[shopify-store]

    *Please replace [shopify-store] to your myshopify url, i.e.

  3. Update Hello Clever App for access the product and checkout permissions. On your theme.liquid please ensure the script url is updated to version 2.0 instead of version 1.0

  4. Copy and paste the codeblock below to your theme.liquid file to trigger Express Checkout button, replace app-id-xxxxx with your site's app_id.

    async function createCleverWidget() {
    const widgets = new CleverWidget({
    app_id: 'app-id-xxxxx', // Merchant's app_id
    await widgets.initialize();
    containerSelector: '.product-form__buttons', // Class or ID selector where merchant want to render the widget.
    // ----- AND -----
    containerSelector: '.product-form__buttons', // Class or ID selector where merchant want to render the widget.
  5. If all the steps above has been set up correctly, you should be able to see express checkout feature on your product page. Please refer to the image below for the sample of the express checkout button.

Enabling Express Checkout Feature


You need to install the Hello Clever app on your Shopify store. If you haven't installed the app yet, please follow out the instruction at Hello Clever Shopify App.

To enable the Hello Clever Gateway's Express Checkout feature, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Login into the store which one you want to add Clever Widget

  2. Select Themes

  3. Click Customize button

  4. Click Edit Code

  5. Select file theme.liquid

  6. Insert the code below and replace app-id-xxxxx with your site's app_id.

    async function createCleverWidget() {
    const widgets = new CleverWidget({
    app_id: 'app-id-xxxxx', // Merchant's app_id
    await widgets.initialize();
    // Tagline feature
    containerSelector: '.product-form__buttons', // Class or ID selector where merchant want to render the widget.
    // ----- OR -----
    // Express checkout feature
    containerSelector: '.product-form__buttons', // Class or ID selector where merchant want to render the widget.

  7. If all the steps above has been set up correctly, you should be able to see express checkout feature on your product page