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PayTo Payment Status

Get to know more about our API's payment status

Please see below the statuses of the payment requests from Hello Clever API

PayTo Status

Get Payment Agreements

Check the status of a payment request via Hello Clever API. There are 5 statuses:

createdYour customer triggered a Payment Agreement creation
activeThe payment agreement was active
suspendedThe payment agreement has been suspended
cancelledThe payment agreement has been cancelled
failedThe Payment agreement has failed
Get Payment Initiations

Check the status of a payment initiation via Hello Clever API. There are 6 statuses:

pendingYour customer hasn't made the requested payment yet and awaiting for the customer's response
receivedYour customer has paid the transaction successfully
return_pendingA full refund or partial refund request has been triggered on the payment
return_receivedThe refund has been transferred to the original payee
return_expiredThe refund request has expired
failedThe Payment agreement has failed