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Payment History

Payin History

You can view the payment history of your site by clicking on the Payins menu item on the left side menu. You will see the list of payments that have been made to your site. Payment history

To view the details of a payment, click on the Payment ID of the transaction. In this page, you can view the payment details, including the payment ID, the payment amount, the payment status, and more.

Payment detail

To initiate a refund, click on the Refund payment option. Fill in the amount and the reason for the refund, then click on the Refund button.

Refund popup

Payout History

To view your payout history, simply navigate to the left-hand menu and click on the Payouts option. This will display a comprehensive list of all payouts that have been processed along with their respective dates and amounts.

Payment history

If a payout fails, you can view the reason for the failure by hovering over the Failed status.

Payment failed status

Manual Payout

To initiate a payout, you can check our article on Manual Payout for more detail.